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Topography of the Survival System with Mario C. Salvador

April 9th 2022, ONLINE

We invite you to an online MasterClass “Topography of the Survival System”, which will be held by clinical psychologist and psychotherapist Mario C. Salvador from Spain.

In this MasterClass we will present an organisational model of the survival system (psychological defenses) developed by Mario C. Salvador, as part of Integrative Professional development training on Psychotherapy of Trauma Integration and Reprocessing, that can be used as a tool for self-analysis, evaluation of what is happening in the therapeutic process or as a treatment plan. The guiding principle is that as mammals we go from interpesonal co-regulation towards protection and disconnection (interpersonal and intrapsychic).

Watch a short interview with the lecturer Mario C. Slavador. He explains what is Topography of the Survival System, why is it important to know about it, and how do psychotherapist as well as indivuduals benefit from knowing it.

The dynamics of the MasterClass will be besides theory around two sessions of personal therapy with volunteers from among the participants, which will be followed by a detailed analysis and group Q&A process. If there is time, a space for a supervision of a therapeutic difficulty by a volunteer may also be offered.

THE TRAINER: Mario C. Salvador

Mario C.  Salvador is a clinical psychologist with more than 35 years of experience. He is a Brainspotting Trainer and Supervisor, EMDR practitioner, International Integrative Psychotherapist Trainer and Supervisor by IIPA (www.integrativeassociation.com), Provisional Trainer and Supervisor Transactional Analyst by EATA-ITAA.

He is an international Trainer and Director of ALECES, Institute of Trauma Reprocessing and Brainspotting Spain and the president of the Brainspotting Spain Association and vice president of AIBAPT (Asociación Iberoamericana de Psicotrauma). He develop Aleceia Model as a psychotherapeutic approach for the psychotherapy of trauma.

Mario is the author of the book Beyond the Self, Healing Emotional Trauma & Brainspotting, Eleftheria Publisher and co-author of the book The Power of Brainspotting; Assanger Publisher. He also wrote several articles on trauma and presence in national and International journals. He’s an International lecturer and trainer in countries such as Spain, Brazil, Russia, Slovenia, England, Italy, Ecuador, Russia and Austria.

More on the author Mario C. Salvador: www.aleces.com

Contact: msalvador@aleces.com



The MasterClass is suitable for:

  • practicing psychotherapists and counselors and other health care professionals,
  • psychotherapists in training,
  • other mental health professionals.

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

the MasterClass will be held in English.

The MasterClass will be held from April 9, 2022, from 9:30 AM till 5:30 PM CET.

The workshop will be held online.


  • EARLY BIRD: For early bird registration the price is 185.00 EUR the payment of the full amount has to be made till March 10, 2022.
  • The price FROM March 11, 2022 is 215.00 EUR.

The application deadline is March 31, 2022. The application is considered after filling out the Application form and payment of the full amount by 31.3.2022.

Please fill out the Application Form Application form

In case of cancellation of the workshop, we follow the general conditions in the Application Form.

Please make the payment of registration fee to:

Brainspotting Institute

Cesta v Rozno dolino 11, 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN: SI56 6100 0002 0902 974
PURPOSE: Your name and surname, title of the workshop

If paying by PayPal, please include in your payment the cost of the transaction.


For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Institute for Education, Research and Trauma Psychotherapy Brainspotting
E-mail: brainspottingslovenia@gmail.com



Topography of the Survival System z Mariem C. Salvadorjem

9. aprila 2022.

MasterClass bo potekal v angleškem jaziku v spletni obliki.

Vabimo vas na MasterClass “Topography of the Survival System”, ki ga bo vodil klinični psiholog in psihoterapevt Mario C. Salvador iz Španije.

Predstavljen bo organizacijski model sistema preživetja (psihološke obrambe), ki ga je Mario C. Salvador razvil v sklopu Integrativnega modela globinske psihoterapije travme in se lahko uporablja kot orodje za samoanalizo, oceno dogajanja v terapevtskem procesu ali kot načrt procesa predelave. Glavno vodilo modela je, da gremo kot sesalci od medosebne ko-regulacije v smeri zaščite in prekinitve (medosebne in intrapsihične).

Master Classa bo poleg teorije vseboval tudi predstavitev dveh osebnih terapij s prostovoljci izbranimi izmed udeležencev. Temu bo sledila podrobna analiza in skupinski Q&A. V kolikor bo dovolj časa, bo na željo udeležencev izvedena tudi supervizija po tem modelu.


Mario C. Salvador je specialist klinične psihologije z več kot petintridesetletnimi izkušnjami. Je učitelj in supervizor iz metode Brainspotting in dela tudi po metodi EMDR. Je učitelj in supervizor integrativne psihoterapije v okviru Mednarodne zveze za integrativno psihoterapijo IIPA (www.integrativeassociation.com), začasni učitelj in supervizor transakcijske analize pri EATA-ITAA.

Mario je mednarodni učitelj in direktor ALECES, Inštitut za predelavo travme in predsednik Združenja Brainspotting Španija. Je tudi podpredsednik AIBAPT (Asociación Iberoamericana de Psicotrauma). Razvil je metodo dela Aleceia, Integrativni celostni psihoterapevtski pristop za delo s travmo.

Je avtor knjige Beyond the Self, Healing Emotional Trauma & Brainspotting objavljeno pri Eleftheria Publisher in je so-avtor knjige The Power of Brainspotting, objavljeno pri Assanger Publisher. V mednarodnih revijah je objavil veliko člankov na temo travme in prisotnosti. Je mednarodni predavatelj in učitelj v Španiji, Braziliji, Rusiji, Sloveniji, Angliji, Italiji, Ekvadorju in Avstriji.

Več o predavatelju: www.aleces.com 

Kontakt: msalvador@aleces.com 


MasterClass je namenjen vsem, ki:

  • se strokovno ukvarjate s psihoterapijo ali psihološkim svetovanjem oz. drugi strokovnjaki s področja duševnega zdravja,
  • ste v procesu izobraževanja iz psihoterapije.

MasterClass bo izveden preko spleta 9. aprila 2022 od 9.30 do 17.30 ure.

Po zaključku udeleženci prejmete potrdilo o udeležbi.

Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.


  • ZGODNJA PRIJAVA: za prijavo in plačilo celotnega zneska do vključno 10. 3. 2022 znaša 185,00 EUR.
  • Prijava od 11. 3. 2022 dalje znaša 215,00 EUR.

Zadnji rok prijave je 31.3.2022. Prijava se šteje ob izpolnjenem prijavnem obrazcu in plačanem celotnem znesku do 31.3.2022.

Spletna prijavnica: Prijavnica

V primeru odpovedi izobraževanja, sledimo splošnim pogojem v prijavnici.


Kotizacijo nakažete na transakcijski račun:

Inštituta Brainspotting
Cesta v Rožno dolino 11, 1000 Ljubljana
TRR: SI56 6100 0002 0902 974
Namen plačila: Ime in priimek udeleženca in naslov izobraževanja

Ob plačilu s PayPalom vas prosimo, da v svoje plačilo vključite strošek transakcije.


Inštitut za izobraževanje, raziskovanje in psihoterapijo travme Brainspotting
E-mail: brainspottingslovenia@gmail.com